Online Math Exercises, Game, Puzzles and Tools

Online Mathematic exercises, game, puzzles and tools that help you learn maths, get smarter, get better at calculation, solve math questions and problems, find Mean, Median, Mode of a series of numbers,... find the keycode of your keyboard (it's useful for software developers). Enjoy and have fun!



A Small Math Game

Please don't use any calculator. Calculate everything in your head. Try to find an easy way to calculate it fast. Be focused, this improves your concentrations. Important! the answer is rounded to integer, so no decimal answer! Example: 1.4 = 1, 1.5 = 2, 1.8 = 2, ...

2 ÷ 8

Find the mean, median or mode of a series of numbers

Choose the option you want and then enter the numbers separated by a comma.

You can use the below text box to find the keycode for each key on your keyboard.

You can use the below text box to convert Binary to Decimal.

You can use the below text box to convert Decimal to Binary.

If you would notice any issue or mistake, please send us a message via the contact page.